DOL Final Rule on Paid Sick Leave for Employees of Federal Contractors

The DOL Final Rule on sick leave for federal contracts will NOT apply to most nonprofits because grants and cooperative agreements are not covered. However, as the Rule does apply to subcontracts, nonprofits should review their sources of federal funding to ensure that they are not covered.

Facts About the New Overtime Rule and What You Need To Know

President Obama and Secretary Perez announced that the Department of Labor’s final rule on overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act will automatically extend overtime pay eligibility to 4.2 million workers. The rule will entitle most salaried white collar workers earning less than $913 a week ($47,476 a year) to overtime pay.

OMB Guidance: Know your Rights

Each nonprofit needs to learn its rights and responsibilities under the Uniform Guidance and take positive steps to protect those rights. This document identifies the major changes in the Uniform Guidance related to cost allocation rules and payment of indirect costs.

Disclosures to Donors

NYS Assembly introduced bill A-3394 which would require charities disclose to donors in writing after donation as to how their donation was allocated – what portion went to administration and what to programs. This was introduced last session and didn’t move; it is being introduced again.