Nonprofit New York Race Equity Story

Racism is deadly. White supremacy privileges some, but degrades us all. Racism happens obviously, through violence, and more insidiously, through microaggressions, and persistent ignorance, which minimizes us as people, as workers, as a team, and as a sector. Our presence and our identities inspire and advance our work; to diminish those things is to diminish our work.

We refuse to accept a world that is inequitable. Our vision of race equity means that staff will show up with their whole selves, without fear. When we proactively affirm that racial equity is an organizational priority, we transform our thinking, programming, and approach to our work. Our organizational priorities will be developed by a team who holds a shared understanding of how to communicate authentically, foster innovation, and celebrate differences, while acknowledging that we all have individual and collective power.

We will work to dismantle racism with brave conversations, vulnerability, accountability, power shifts, and shared purpose. We will disrupt white supremacist habits and re-center power to encourage all of us to take up space, to have agency, and to have impact. We have the will, the desire to build trust, the resources, and a learning culture to do this work.

As a result of the work we do, we will amplify the voices, opinions, and lived expertise of our members. Together, we will craft solutions to problems that start with those most affected. Together, we will thrive.