Nonprofit New York Statement in Response to Hurricane Ida


Nonprofit New York Members and Community,

We hope you and yours are well and safe following the unexpected impact of Hurricane Ida on our region. Over 40 people have lost their lives and countless others are now houseless and completely starting over after losing everything from flood damage. Due to the nature of basement apartments, vulnerable immigrants and BIPOC New Yorkers have again borne the brunt of our most recent crisis. We have heard the immediate needs are of those who are houseless, unstably housed, those facing eviction, immigrant New Yorkers who do not speak English, disabled New Yorkers, and nonprofits and small businesses whose facilities have been severely damaged. We encourage organizations to collaborate with their local mutual aid networks and elected officials doing crisis response work. Yesterday, President Biden approved New York’s Emergency Declaration, which will allow for rapid deployment of FEMA assistance.

Below are immediate resources for nonprofits and the communities you serve

In the coming days and weeks Nonprofit New York will continue to coordinate the sector and assess public policy gaps and needs created by Hurricane Ida. We remain committed to strengthening and supporting the nonprofit sector through this crisis, and always. For general questions, contact our HelpLine. We know that the nonprofit sector will again rise to the challenge to support our communities through this crisis. To get involved in advocacy and cross-sector coordination efforts, contact VP of Policy, Chai Jindasurat. Together, we are a relentless, collective force for good.

In solidarity,
- Nonprofit New York