Programs Director Taina Sanon spoke with Cristina Ulerio of Tech Kids Unlimited (TKU), a member organization of Nonprofit New York. We will continue to highlight the work of our members because we believe when your nonprofit is stronger, all of us are stronger.
Tell me about the organization and what you do.
Tech Kids Unlimited (TKU) is a NYC-based not-for-profit organization that teaches computer science thinking and technology to kids who learn differently. Our mission is to open up the field of technology to students with disabilities, especially those with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) to help them become the techies of tomorrow.
How many are on your team?
3 FTE, 25 PTE
Servicing how many of the nonprofit population?
500 students a year
Where do you see your organization in the next five years or ten years?
We hope to grow and serve more students who learn differently through expansion of our programming and online programming. We are hoping to change the conversation around diversity and bring more awareness than ever to special needs youth and their capabilities.
How has partnering with Nonprofit New York helped you succeed?
Nonprofit New York has offered a wealth of information through meetings, webinars, and direct connections with leaders in the nonprofit world.
What are you currently working on that you want us to mention to our membership?
We have been offering online workshops since March and continue to be successful in our summer workshops where we have served over 120 unique students.