Nonprofit Excellence Awards Insights From Trail Blazers

Nonprofit Excellence Awards Insights From Trail Blazers

Nonprofits that work tirelessly to implement innovative systems and management practices deserve to be recognized by their peers. Through the Nonprofit Excellence Awards, we shine a spotlight on exceptional nonprofits that stand out in our Key Areas of Nonprofit Excellence. The Awards are an opportunity for all of us to learn from — and aspire to — their best practices.

We heard from Tiffany Caton, Director of Development and Communications at Trail Blazers, about her organization’s experience with the Awards. Trail Blazers creates a world where all people have opportunities to go outside and grow within, and is this year’s Special Recognition recipient for Governance.

Tell me about why your organization applied for the Nonprofit Excellence Awards program and about your history with applying:

It is easy to think that best practices can only be implemented by large organizations with plenty of resources. We applied to the program to demonstrate how small organizations can creatively deploy effective strategies.

Can you tell me what it means for your organization to be recognized by this Awards program?

It’s truly an honor to be recognized for all our work, especially as a small organization.

Why should other organizations apply for the Awards program?

In order to be the best servant to our community, we made a commitment to being a “Best in Class” organization. The Excellence Awards application process has played a key role in this process by providing our Board and Senior Leadership with key insights for achieving this goal. With each application, we have been able to identify more opportunities to strengthen our processes and strategies, helping us to develop as an organization and improve over time to become a more effective and resilient organization.


To learn more from the Nonprofit Excellence Awards Winners and Special Recognition recipients, join us on December 7th and 8th at the 2020 Best Nonprofit Conference: Relentlessly Resilient.

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